Saturday, 9 May 2009

Achillies Series

The first plaster layout from a series named achillies.
From my continual learning about cubism and abstract art, inspiratin is drawn from Kasimir Malevich and sculpter Ben Nicholson.
These 3d layouts are a progression of my cut paper layouts (will put a few up here, then the set on and my love of images of constellations, flight trajectories and right now, the latest images from Cassini.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Numbers [work in progress]

Ok, first post of work...
Typography is my major passion so it's only right that my first piece of work to be shown here is my ongoing numbers project.
Not only will this be an awesome resource for me, but I think when I have completed the board it will look pretty nice in its on right... the idea being to collect from zero to ninety nine from the streets around me. A slow burning project, so i guess there will be a few updates of this in the coming weeks!

It begins

So here it is! My first post, finally!
Welcome to the Mattb77 blog, this is where i'll be showing all my latest work and updates of ongoing projects.
I'll try to keep the site updated regularly, and show all the varying work I like to create, from websites to compositional studies.
My website is home to my older work, and is currently undergoing a major redesign to include my fourth year work from my Graphic Design degree from Edinburgh College of Art, and much more. Enjoy!
